Amina loved photography, all she ever wanted to do was take pictures, photography was oxygen to her. While people aspired to study professional courses, Amina's aspiration was to create magic through photography. After graduation from highschool, she was offered a scholarship to study Law in the best University in Nigeria, she rejected it. Her interest was photography. Amina had a bag of dreams but an empty pocket. She had to toil all day, she took up freelance jobs and did everything doable just to raise the money for her examination fee to study photography at the talent Academy. She failed her first attempt, this was her last chance. This time was a whole lot tougher, her ageing mother health had seriously worsened, she needed money for treatment, the only money Amina had was the money for her registration. Amina was on a cross road between saving her only family or pursuing the only dream she had envisioned her whole life, but a choice had to be made. She paid for her mother...